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Do We Need a A "Third World" Feminism ?

স্নিগ্ধা এর ছবি
লিখেছেন স্নিগ্ধা (তারিখ: রবি, ২২/০৩/২০০৯ - ৭:৩৫পূর্বাহ্ন)

Do We Need a A "Third World" Feminism ?

Snigdha Ali

The term feminism has been defined, analyzed, reviewed, criticized, redefined, de-constructed, revisited or in other words has been pulled and stretched from so many directions for so long that sometimes writing about it feels like dragging a dead horse even beyond the outer limits. This is no way to mean that feminism itself is a dead subject. On the contrary, given the rapidly changing geo-political scenario in this era of Globalization (and/or post-modernism), feminism now functions as more of a foundational basis for many activists, policymakers and academicians than as an epistemological framework only at the theoretical level.

Hardly even any mainstream "development" planning is formulated now a days without considering the gender variable, let alone grassroots mobilization or any social activism. But like liberalism, Marxism, environmentalism or many other such "ism"s, feminism has been a controversial one and...